Barry: Hi Sweetie, I’m home.
Rachel: Hi Honey, how was work?
Barry: I was a hero, tell you about it later. What are you working on?
Rachel: The newest blog post. All the pics are done.
Barry: Great. So what am I writing about?
Rachel: You don’t remember?
Barry: I remember we talked about it. Let me see the pics to refresh my memory.
Rachel: Refresh, refresh...
Barry: The subway was jam packed, I need to relax a bit. It’s really steamy out there.
Rachel: Relax. Would you like a beer?
Barry: Thanks, that would be great.
Rachel: Here you go.
Barry: Thanks Honey
Rachel: Sure. Dinner is ready. Are you hungry?
Barry: Will be soon. Yuengling, great, thanks.So what are we working on? Let me see the pics. Ah! Very nice, it’s coming back to me. We’re launching the new Calming Beard Grooming Kit and talking about how women love to give Calming to their men, etc. etc. Love these pics! Nice job! Beautiful pics.
Rachel’s Newest Gift Box
Rachel: Thanks. Right, the new Calming Beard Grooming Gift Box to be more precise. So there you go. We have a Thursday morning deadline. Do your thing...
Barry: No worries. Did you say Calming was our first line of beard care products? Wasn’t it Medicine Man’s?
Rachel: Medicine Man’s was a close second. I didn’t know whether to calm you down first or take care of your beard itch and beard dandruff. Can you believe it was nearly three years ago?
Barry: I was just thinking the same thing. Almost three years. So Calming won out?
Rachel: Naturally. First things first. I calmed you down and then I cleaned you up.
Barry: Good thinking.
Rachel: Right? And then what happened? We launched it and the women loved those gift sets, getting some lavender and clary sage essential oils into their men’s beards.
Fields of Lavender
Barry: A stealth operation?
Rachel: Probably. It’s earthy and manly but we sold so much to women that I think it’s safe to say there was something like that was going on.
Barry: Does seem that way. Remember how hard we worked on the packaging?
Rachel: We?
Barry: Now don’t start, you know it was a team effort.
Rachel: OK
Barry: You know it was, you know…
Rachel: OK,OK
Barry: It was…. Nudnik?
Rachel: Huge nudnik! How’d you know?
Barry: I saw you’re nudnik meter tip into the red.
Rachel: My nudnik meter?
Barry: The internet of things. Never heard of it? Flashed in front of my eyes clear as day.
Rachel: Oy! Here we go with that stuff again? Would you stop scaring me with all that?
Barry: Just looking ahead, that was a good one, no?
Rachel: Wonderful, how about you get back on subject?
Barry: OK, OK. But you laughed!
Rachel: It was cute. But what am I, an appliance? The internet of things?
Barry: Not an appliance, but I read something…
Rachel: Can we please get back on subject here?
Barry: Right, so it smells great and it calms guys down and women love to give it as gifts and it’s in a great looking new box with our 100% natural boar’s hair beard brush and our cool little instruction/information booklet….
Rachel: You got it.
Barry: The only thing missing to calm a guy down is a map showing how to get out of the city. Love this pic of me stretched out on the grass with the Hudson River far below.
Rachel: Remember that day?
Hyde Park looking north up the Hudson River
Barry: Sure do. I’m aching to get out of town again and wind down. Can’t wait till Sunday. Did you see the pic of the view from the top of Porter Mountain that I sent you?
Rachel: Beautiful! Can’t wait.
Barry: Yeah, can’t wait. How about another beer?
Rachel: Here you go.
Barry: Thanks Honey. I’m done for now. I’ll get back to it in the morning and finish it off.
Rachel: Great start!
Barry: Thanks! How about another beer?
Rachel: Enough beer. How about dinner?
Barry: Sounds good. Just one more to wash it down?
Rachel: Just one more. Remember, Thursday morning.
Barry: No worries. Good as done….
Contents: Calming Beard Soap, Beard Oil, Mustache Wax, Beard Brush, & User’s Guide
Available exclusively from Rachel, Barry and OneDTQ in the following stores:
OneDTQ Shop (save a few dollars and enjoy free, next day, shipping)